Page 45 - EdSource Issue No02
P. 45
Inclusive Education 45
responsibility - to secure and What are the basic elements of
provide opportunities to students inclusive education?
with disabilities so that they can to
learn alongside their non-disabled The basic elements of inclusive
peers in regular classrooms. education are;
• Inclusive education must
In an inclusive setting, every student accommodate the use of
should feel safe and have a sense of teaching assistants or specialists:
belonging. Parental involvement is To deliver inclusive learning a
critical, as they assist teachers set multidisciplinary team is required As more men
learning goals and decide learning and which may comprise of,
approaches. The school community assistants and other support staff. become more
teachers, therapist, specialists,
including teachers and all other staff
members should be trained and • Inclusive curriculum: the learning
supported to respond to needs of syllabus should avoid binary educated and
all students. narratives of good and bad, and
allow for the adaption of learning women get more
Why is inclusive education styles of children that will include
special education needs. As such
important? a curriculum that fosters for a educated, the
An inclusive education system
provides a better learning broadened concept for inclusive
environment for children because education is urgently needed. This value system
it helps reduce discriminatory will allow for the development
tendencies by promoting empathy of pedagogies that will support has to be more
and understanding for each other. the involvement of children with
schools adopt inclusive education, • Parental involvement: Most enhanced and
In this regard, it is important that
learning disabilities. .
because schools provide the context schools strive for some level of
for a child’s first relationships with parental involvement, but it is the respect for
the world, outside their families. often limited to emails home
It is in and through schools that and occasional parent–teacher human dignity
they learn to interact and establish conferences. In a diverse school
system, inclusion means thinking
social relationships. Respect and about multiple ways to reach out and human life is
understanding grow when students
of diverse abilities and backgrounds to parents on their own terms.
play, socialize, and learn together. made better.
When education is inclusive, future The Challenge
concepts like civic participation, Often the greatest challenge of
compassion and community life, inclusive education is the children
become a reality.
EdSource Quarterly | Oct-Dec l 2021