Page 41 - EdSource Issue No02
P. 41

The T eacher    41
                                                                                                  The Teacher

     (compared with soap and water)        students recover by delivering an  psychosocial  support  were
                                           irregular syllabus.                   enormous.
     We therefore strongly feel that
     providing young children with  Using  our  membership  network  Recognizing that schools are both
     access to water less hand sanitizers  as leverage, Kewota is prepared  a place for learning and a place
     in  primary  schools  and  ECDs  will  to partner with the Ministry of  for children to overcome the
     substantially lower the risk of  Education to promote school based  psychosocial stress of emergencies,
     infections and thereby protect our  psychosocial support to our teachers  Kewota  plans  to  mobilize  a
     teachers.                             According to UNICEF assessments,  partnership-based  platform  to
                                           many children and teachers  support training for teachers and
     Furthermore, use of thermometer- continued to suffer symptoms of  principals to help them recognize
     based screening coupled with  psychosocial stress, with symptoms  signs of distress or impaired daily
     teacher training on the management  including withdrawal, anxiousness,  functioning among their students.
     of suspected cases may allow  fear, denial and depression.
     teachers to detect fever in children                                        Benta Opande is the CEO, KEWOTA
     upon school entry and exclude ill   The UNICEF findings indicate
     children from entry.                  that there was a serious need to
                                           develop the capacity of teachers
     These measures in our view will go  and school staff to better support
     a long way in ensuring the safety of  the psychosocial wellbeing of the
     teachers who are exposed to the  children suffering from trauma and           Using our membership network
     unvaccinated age group of pupils.  to deal constructively with problem        as leverage, Kewota is prepared
     Additionally, teachers who are  behaviors arising from it. In addition,       to partner with the Ministry of
     increasingly facing the daunting task  children were in need of services to   Education to promote school
     of supporting students in covering  help them overcome challenges and         based psychosocial support
     lost ground require new skills and  stress related to living in poverty       to our teachers According to
     capacities. They are operating in a  With schools consolidated                UNICEF assessments
     modified environment, ensuring  and reorganized the needs for

                                                                 EdSource Quarterly | Oct-Dec l 2021
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