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Education & Skills Development 37
therefore increased transparency enhanced internal quality assurance with manual processes. With the
and brought better coordination and mechanisms. System in place, stakeholders can easily
harmony in the national education access information on various aspects
system. B ) RE G ISTRA TION AND of Qualifications in the Country.
National Qualifications Framework, the INSTITUTIONS LEARNING
country addresses key challenges that KNQA accredits the qualifications Over the last two years, the
have previously bedeviled the education awarding institutions and registers Government has been implementing
system including and not limited to the their respective qualifications in the reforms aimed at promoting access
disconnect between qualifications and National Qualifications Framework. and equity in education and training.
actual skills that required in the labour There are obligatory protocols and One imperative reform is establishment
market; production of fraudulent measures that are put in place that of an alternative and flexible pathway
academic certificates; incoherence must be met before any education and by recognizing experiential learning.
and fragmentation of the qualification training institution is accredited. This The Authority is mandated to provide
system; and lack of a national database ensures that only credible institutions for the recognition of attainment
on Qualifications. offer education and training, and certify or competencies including skills,
graduates upon completion of the knowledge, attitudes and values
The KNQF as a learning outcome-based course. through Recognition of Prior Learning
qualifications framework caters for all (RPL) process. During the Country’s
education and training sectors and all C) RECOGNITION, EQUATION AND Jamhuri day celebration on 1st June
forms of learning including formal, VERIFICATION OF QUALIFICATIONS 2021, his Excellency the President
non-formal and informal learning. The The KNQA verifies, equates and issued a directive that the Ministry of
framework comprises ten qualification recognizes certificates that are Education, through the Kenya National
levels where each level has clearly acquired locally and internationally. In Qualifications Authority should issue a
defined level descriptors and learning doing this, the Authority ensures that policy framework for comprehensive
outcomes. This ensures standardization qualifications and part qualifications recognition of prior learning. This policy
of the requisite knowledge, skills and offered by local and foreign awarding intervention is expected to expand
competencies that are expected in each bodies are credible and in line with the the opportunities for individuals in
level as well as minimum admission KNQF Act. To enhance effectiveness of various sectors to participate more
requirements and volume of learning. its processes, KNQA has developed a meaningfully in the economy by making
The key roles that KNQA is currently Kenya National Recognition, Equation visible and certifying their skills and
undertaking include: and Verification (KNREV) portal that competencies.
allows for online application and
A) DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL processing of REV applications. The Conclusion:
POLICIES ON QUALITY ASSURANCE system further allows for identification As the country leapfrogs towards
OF QUALIFICATIONS. of fake and fraudulent certificates. achievement of Vision 2030,
The KNQF Act No 22 of 2014 gives there is no doubt that the Kenya
KNQA the mandate to co-ordinate and National Qualifications Authority is
supervise the development of policies contributing greatly towards creating
on national qualifications in order a globally competitive and adaptive
to strengthen the national quality human resource base that meet the
assurance system on Qualifications. requirements of a rapidly industrializing
It does this through establishment economy by enhancing access,
of Standards for recognizing relevance and quality of education and
qualifications that are obtained training in the country.
locally and from foreign institutions;
developing a system of competence, D) ESTABLISHMENT OF A
life-long learning and attainment of LEARNERS RECORDS DATABASE
national qualifications; aligning the KNQA has developed a National
qualifications obtained locally with the Qualifications Management Information
global benchmarks in order to promote System (NAQMIS) that automates the
national and trans-national mobility process of accreditation, registration of
of workers; and facilitating mobility qualifications, uploading of graduates
and progression within education, records to the Kenya National Leaners
training and career paths. The Authority Records database (KNLRD) and
collaborates with the Education sector verification of qualifications. This has
regulators, Qualification Awarding resulted to increased efficiency and
Institutions and other sector players to effectiveness to a process that was Dr. Alice Kande is the Deputy Director --
ensure effective implementation of the previously manual and characterized by Planning, Research, Outreach & Policy at
national qualifications framework and various inherent problems associated
EdSource Quarterly | Oct-Dec l 2021