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36 Education & Skills Development
Examining the Role of Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA)
Development of National Qualifications values in its work force and lack of the In the Treaty for the Establishment of
Frameworks (NQFs) has become required expertise. Every Educational the East African Community, the partner
a world-wide phenomenon and and Training system or institution for States – where Kenya is a member,
continues to draw international interest that matter, requires an efficient and adopted an explicit agreement to
not least in Sub-Saharan Africa, where proper outline of quality assurance embark on concerted measures to
Kenya has become a trail blazer in systems that guard the productivity, foster cooperation in education and
the effort to enhance quality and relevance and clarity in formulating training in the Community, particularly,
relevance of its education and training and actualizing the stipulated missions, in harmonization of education and
sector. The reasons for adoption and visions, goals and objectives. This should training systems in the endeavor to
implementation of NQFs are many be in line with the country’s goals as promote comparable and compatible
and varied. Most of the countries that well as the global goals of education qualifications among the partner
have adopted a NQF are concerned and training. When Quality Assurance States. The partner States agreed to
with the poor articulation between organs function well, the training co-ordinate their human resources
qualifications and actual skills needs bodies produce qualified personnel development policies, programmes
in the workplace; need to rectify the to fill the job markets nationally and and also to harmonize curricula,
poor credibility and quality of existing internationally. examination, certification and
qualifications and training accreditation of education systems
Programmes and lack of coherence In Kenya, the National Qualifications and training institutions through the
and the rather fragmented nature of Framework provides a system for the joint action of their relevant national
the qualifications system. The need articulation, classification, registration, accreditation organs.
for provision for recognition of non- quality assurance, and monitoring and
formally acquired skills and facilitating evaluation of national qualifications The Kenya National Qualifications
integration of such skills into the as developed in accordance with Authority, (KNQA), plays a significant
formal system - where a large part of KNQF Act. It is underpinned by role in harmonizing, coordinating
the population is evidently excluded several national documents such and most importantly verifying the
from the formal education system or as the Kenya Vision 2030, the Big qualifications awarded by various
where there is a high number of school 4 Agenda, Sessional Paper No. 1 of institutions locally and internationally.
dropouts also creates an impetus for 2019, Medium Term 111 (2018 - 2022) This is done in line with meticulous
adoption of National Qualification among others - all of which underscore keenness to detail in the structure of
Framework. The Frameworks, thus the need for quality, relevant and the education system and the manner in
provide a basis for improving the globally competitive qualifications for which the certification and credentials
quality, accessibility, linkages and labour country’s development. These national are given. The KNQF describes learning
market recognition of qualifications development plans are also aligned to outcomes in form of knowledge, skills
within a country and internationally. global development plans such as the and competences gained at each level
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the national education and training
Quality Education and Training is and the AU Agenda 2063 that aim at structure. In doing so, the Authority
as vital as the dissemination of the ensuring inclusive and equitable quality ensures maintenance of standards,
supposed education itself at all levels. education and promotion of lifelong quality and relevance at all levels of
A country whose education and training opportunities for all. education and training sector in the
standards are below par, results to poor country. The national framework has
EdSource Quarterly | Oct-Dec l 2021