Page 40 - EdSource Issue No02
P. 40

40 The Teacher








     The creativity and resiliency of  recovering learning loss and keeping  of infections, we urge for continuous
     teachers is one of the reasons  our schools open, we stand in  discussions  regarding  the  health
     that the Kenya Women Teachers  solidarity with teachers in the quest  protocols around teachers and staff
     Association is proud of the teaching  for safer and healthier working  who are more engaged with this age
     fraternity in Kenya.                  conditions.                           group in both primary schools and
                                                                                 early childhood education
     Our teachers do more than just  Championing  the  welfare  of
     teach. Students often form bonds  teachers, Kewota continues to play  Ensuring all teachers get their
     with teachers and rely on this trust  its role in empowering our teachers  double  vaccination  doses  is
     to ask for advice and guidance,  by giving them a voice, continually  imperative but above all we must
     especially during times of personal  calling for safe spaces where  maintain the health and safety of
     or communal crisis. As has been  teachers can work to develop our  all teaching and non-teaching staff
     demonstrated during the Covid-19  children is at the top of our goal.       and environments. To make school
     pandemic, our teaching fraternity                                           environments safe, additional health
     has scored highly both in and out  A  few critical issues  jump  out  and hygiene measures should be
     of the classroom                      regarding teacher preparedness as  implemented.
                                           our schools grapple with the health
     Both teachers and students have  challenge.  For  instance,  despite  In Nairobi’s primary schools for
     experienced isolation, uncertainty,  the ongoing national roll-out of  example, the availability of waterless
     grief, and loss during this time.  the vaccination exercise, we are  hand sanitizer was associated with

     And as the government through  cognizant of the fact that children  reduced prevalence of water borne
     the Ministry of Education and  under the age of 12 years cannot be  diseases. Children were more likely
     the Ministry of Health work with  vaccinated.                               to clean their hands after using the
     other  education  stakeholders  in  In light of the impending fourth wave  toilet if hand sanitizer was available

     EdSource Quarterly | Oct-Dec l 2021
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