Page 32 - EdSource Issue No02
P. 32

32 One on One

     much if they get support and are  What the Association does for  been a lot of misinformation out
     empowered.  As an Association we  female teachers in Kenya                  there about the critical role the
     appreciate all the challenges girls  Kewota was founded not only  organization plays on a daily basis.
     face especially teenage pregnancy,  to lobby and advocate on behalf  The gender gap in teacher leadership
     ability to afford sanitary towels, drop  of  women  teachers  but also  to  still  glaringly  remains  and  so  all
     out rates being higher for girls when  enhance better living standards for  education stakeholders are invited
     parents cannot afford to educate  female teachers and their families.  to embrace this organization for the
     all their children, mental health  Kewota does this through:                betterment of all teachers including
     issues among others. However our  Financial empowerment, Investment  men
     experience is that we have seen  opportunities, Development
     many women stand together to  projects,  Career  and  workplace  Kewota  being  a  membership
     make these experiences bearable  advocacy, Sponsorship  for both  driven  organization  has  seen  a
     by assisting in various ways.”        the girl child and women teachers,  lot  of  successes and  challenges.
                                           donations and - Training to mention  The  greatest  challenge  faced  is
     KEWOTA                                just but afew.                        in increasing membership. Out of
     The Kenya Women Teachers                                                    a potential of 200,000 possible
     Association (KEWOTA) is a vibrant  To enhance service delivery, Kewota  members from Tsc alone, kewota
     welfare  society  and  community  has established regional offices in  is shy of only 30,000 members.
     for female teachers in Kenya. The  counties across the whole country.  The organization is seeking for
     Association  consists  of  female  Female teachers can contact or visit  partnership with likeminded
     teachers employed by the TSC,  our officers to join the organization,  organization in terms of training on
     privately employed female teachers,  report any career-related issues or  negotiation, advocacy and lobbying
     ECDE female teachers, SNE female  request any of the services offered  skills. More needs to be done on
     teachers and other women in the  by kewota.                                 creating a powerful team of school
     education sector.                                                           representatives.
                                           Unlike education unions which
     The leaders are so passionate about  focus on pressuring governments,  Kewota is keen on capacity building
     women empowerment that some  KEWOTA mainly focuses on directly  of county representatives as peace
     of them quit top national jobs, to  impacting the lives of female  ambassodors, paralegal officers and
     advocate for female teachers and  teachers socially, career-wise and  mental health champions.
     find ways to enhance better living  financially.
     standards for female teachers,                                              The  greatest  threat  to  women
     especially those with families.       Benta reiterates that there has  empowerment and development is
                                                                                 early pregnancy for our young girls.
                                                                                 Kewota is addressing the matter
                                                                                 by the developing a project called
                                                                                 THE  SEMA PROJECT(  Sexuality
                                                                                 Education and Mentorship  for
                                                                                 adolescents). Kewota hopes that in
                                                                                 due course,partners will come on
                                                                                 board to support this project whose
                                                                                 end result will be the publishing
                                                                                 of fliers, developing trainers and
                                                                                 creation of awareness clubs in

                                                                                 We sum up the Benta Opanda and
                                                                                 KEWOTA intriguing journey and
                                                                                 wishing  her  all  the  best  as  she
                                                                                 continues to steer the KEWOTA ship
                                                                                 “ Fight for the things that you care
                                                                                 about, but do it in a way that will
                                                                                 lead others to join you.” – Ruth
                                                                                 Bader Ginsburg

     KEWOTA members at a past function.

     EdSource Quarterly | Oct-Dec l 2021
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