Page 29 - EdSource Issue No02
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     funding of postgraduate programs  programs, how many students are
     at 80% of the unit cost where the  in that program. The data collected
     beneficiaries can be bonded to a  will not only promote public access
     university for a prescribed period.   to information relating to the sector
                                           but it will also enable the Fund
                                           plan strategically for projects and
     10.  DO  YOU  BELIEVE  THAT  THE      improve  the  management  of  the
     UNIVERSITY EDUCATION DATA             disbursed fund. In addition it will
     MANAGEMENT  INFORMATION               enhance public accountability and
     SYSTE M  WILL  PROM OTE               transparency,  self-improvement,
     ACCOUNTABILITY IN ENROLMENT           and encourage performance-based            Internally universities
     NUMBERS?                              funding.                                   should consider building

     Yes,  definitely, this is a  key                                                 their capacity, especially
                                                                                      on financial management
     challenge. Currently, we do  11.  WHAT  ARE  YOUR  PARTING                       so that we have manag-
     not have a centralized data  WORDS!                                              ers who are business ori-
     management system. We need a                                                     ented and able to keep
     publically accountable system that  I will be brief. We want to ensure that      these institutions afloat.
     is transparent and can confirm;  in the next 2 to 3 years universities
     the students admitted, when they  start turning around and there’s
     entered, when they left or completed  sustainable financing for universities
     or if they have ever completed  in this country in line with the
     and  from  this  we  can  establish  Sustainable Development Goal 4,
     transition rates. This will help us  that is our key role, sustainability.
     start  funding  universities  based
     on their transition rates, i.e, how  Geoffrey Monari is the Chief Executive
     many students graduated during a  Officer, Universities Fund
     certain year, if their national priority

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