Page 24 - EdSource Issue No02
P. 24
24 Feature Story
Since the 2008 financial crisis, prepare to lead in uncertain times? What happens when school
academicians, experts and analysts leaders are uncertain?
have been studying the effects For most leaders managing When a school is staring down the
of disruptions to economies and education institutions in Kenya, the barrel of uncertainty, problems can
businesses, world over. A lot pandemic has forced them to look start adding up even more than
of research and writings since to the business world to understand usual. Take the example of Ganttic, a
then have led to various models the crisis and find quick turn-around company that specializes in making
which can help leaders prepare, solutions. J. McGregor & A. Harris resource planning processes. In one
predict and cope with emergent (2006) posits that the start of ‘... of their case scenarios they claim,
disruptions. However, 2020 the new century [...] has been that several things happen when
saw a global, almost apocalyptic characterized by calls for a greater leaders are faced with uncertainty,
disruption affect the entire planet. understanding of the processes of or when they are uncertain in
Global education systems were knowledge creation and the transfer decisiveness. They say that the
disrupted in a way that only West of practice.’ Yet it took the global following happens;
Africans could comprehend – for shut-down of education systems to
they had experienced a similar large- make school leaders seek out new 1. Leaders can make unreliable
scale disruption during the 2013- knowledge that would help them projections
2016, Ebola epidemic. adapt, and help them redesign 2. Leaders may fail to give clear
their schools for learners. School timelines
Back here in Kenya, the on-going leaders were forced out of their 3. It can lead to a lack of resources
curriculum reforms has given insular, inward-looking models to 4. Which inevitable leads to staff
education policy makers and embrace collaboration, even us facing a stressful working
education institution leaders, a they looked to the business world environment
chance to re-imagine how to provide to help them solve problems and
for educational access, equity, improve their adaptive capabilities. They conclude by saying, if the
quality and sustainability in uncertain The spotlight turned on the school school leader is incapacitated by
times. During the pandemic, school leaders to provide; direction, hope uncertainty and indecision, then
and institution leaders have become and reassurance, to learners, inevitably communication issues
more important than ever. The teachers, parents and other school will arise.
pandemic has provided education employees. For those of us in private
leaders with a global snapshot of education, the challenge was even According to Mckinsey & Company
the effect a large scale disruption more daunting, as we were required (2020), in order to “respond
can have on the entire education to ensure learning continued effectively, leaders should act on
spectrum. So, what implications sustainably without diluting quality three imperatives:
does this current context have and whilst still ensuring that delivery a) Clarify purpose,
for leaders (new and old) as they was effective. b) Support stakeholders, and
EdSource Quarterly | Oct-Dec l 2021