Page 19 - EdSource Issue No02
P. 19

Focus on  Curriculum     19

     Inclusivity/Special Needs             9.  Courses Higher learning Institutions   researcher, policy implementers)
     Education:                                are yet to be aligned to CBC.     5.  Active  engagement  of  teachers
     CBC has  emphasis  on  mainstreaming  10.  Attitude and resistant to change by   in Professional Communities of
     of  learners  and  universal  design  for   educators                          Practice
     learning  as  indicated  in  the  above  11.  Low level parental engagement  6.   Advocacy of CBC alignment
     framework.                                and commitment to support the        to    Sustainable   Development
                                               learning process                     Goals(SDGs) and Vision 2030
     Challenges being faced for                                                  7.  Instead of tablets for every learner,
     effective implementation              Suggestions for successful               establish ICT well networked
     of CBC.                               implementation of CBC                    centres in schools or shared
     1.  Lack of well trained teachers  It  is  vital  for  us  to  embrace  full   facilities in every sub-county
         on learner centred pedagogical  implementation  of  CBC.  The  global  8.  Invest more in day schools as
         approaches, innovative assessment  view on student learning require a more   opposed to boarding schools
         and ICT skills                    collaborative approach and innovative  9.  Digitize some of the teaching and
     2.  Lack of trained teachers to facilitate  stakeholder engagement. For us  to   learning  resources for example
         the newly introduced learning  reap  the  benefits  of  CBC,  the  author   course/reference books
         areas                             suggests  the  following  solutions  for  10.  Review and align courses in tertiary
     3.  Minimal resources to accommodate  effective  implementation  of  the  new   institutions to CBC
         high numbers due to100% transition  curriculum:
     4.  Low quality of public education  1.  Continuous  teacher  professional  Conclusion
         due to poor teacher learner ratio.    development    on    the    21st CBC adoption  in  Kenya  gives  the
         Currently teacher learner ratio       century  pedagogies,  innovative  potential  to  the  future  generation  on
         in most primary and secondary         assessment, reporting and research  the establishment and attainment
         schools  stands  at  1:80 and  1:  70   skills in education             of competencies needed at the job
         respectively                      2.  Regular (weekly/termly/bi-annually,  market.  The  government  should
     5.  No clarity yet on placement of        annually)  parental  engagement  envisage the proper implementation
         junior secondary                      and empowerment                   of  CBC in  the  classroom  to  enhance
     6.  Less public  awareness on learner  3.  Continuous advocacy and public  the goals of the curriculum. CBC brings
         career   progression   (Parental      awareness  on  the  benefits  of  Kenya’s education achievement to
         Empowerment)                          Competency  Based  Education  to  the global bar on only if the required
     7.  Lack of enough teachers to handle     the learners, parents, society and  implementation is realized. Kenya
         high numbers of learners.             the country’s future economy      and her citizens need to see CBC
     8.  Inequality in education based on  4.  Creation of CBC ambassadors  through the local and global lenses.
         socio-economic status of Kenyans.     (Parents,  teachers,    learners, Teachers  should  be  involved  in  the
                                                                                 crucial stage of curriculum reform,
                                                                                 and their professional development is
                                                                                 developed  satisfactorily  for  effective
                                                                                 implementation of CBC. Retraining
                                                                                 of teachers should be critical in every
                                                                                 curriculum adoption. More so, the
                                                                                 realignment  of CBC into the world
                                                                                 view context should be maintained.
                                                                                 Any successful education programme
                                                                                 should answer the question>>>>how
                                                                                 should  be  the  ideal  citizen  look  like,
                                                                                 behave,  act  and  most  importantly  is
                                                                                 the  ideal citizen productive and self
                                                                                 fulfilled? The success of every individual
                                                                                 learner is basically the success of the
                                                                                 community. Ideal citizen should be
                                                                                 able  to  deal  with  common  problems
                                                                                 like diseases, poverty, hunger, and
                                                                                 generally  solve  the  socio-economic
                                                                                 challenges facing their communities.

                                                                                 Dr.  Otundo  is  the  Director  Riara
                                                                                 Insitute and Head of Department
                                                                                 in  School  of  Education  at  Riara

                                                                 EdSource Quarterly | Oct-Dec l 2021
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