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with Diani Beach Hotels; including
Diani Sea Resort, Diani Sea Lodge,
Neptune Hotels, and the Leopard
Beach Hotel. This comes with a
strong backing from the Kenya
Association of Hotel Keepers and
Caterers at the coast.
(iii) Other Dual Training programs
in the pipeline
The AHK is preparing to introduce
new dual training programs for
logistics, shoe manufacturing,
Pharma and Electronics. Already 24
students have attained dual training
certification in Electronic Devices
and Systems, after a 13 months
course at the Kenya Technical
Trainers College.
Lastly, AHK is also one of the key
partners in the implementation of
the Kenyan-German Initiative for
Youth Employment, a collaborative Chef Examination Preparations
program by the Kenyan and
German governments to implement Vocational Education and Training. and Commerce for Eastern
dual (Cooperative) vocational Thus these trainers will enable the Africa supports companies in the
training scheme. The program has effective and efficient transfer of development of dual vocational
established 3 centers of excellence knowledge, skills and attitudes to training programs. Through
for Industrial Mechatronics, trainers. The training is oriented information sessions on the dual
Automotive Mechatronics and according to the German Quality vocational training concept,
Autobody at Kiambu Institute of Standards AEVO. curriculum development and
Science and Technology (KIST), customization, dual certification
Nairobi Technical Training Institute AHK has so far conducted over with German system elements and
(NTTI), Thika Technical Training 15 AdA International courses much more.
Institute respectively. reaching 170 participants across
several government agencies, Going beyond its direct mandated
Quality training for quality output training institutions, industries activities, AHK is also one of the
To enhance the quality of vocational and organizations. Through the founders, trustees and secretariat
training in Kenya, AHK Eastern delivery of these train the trainer of the Permanent Working Group on
Africa has introduced the “Training (TOT) courses, trainers have gained TVET, a multi-stakeholder platform
of Trainers (AdA) International” the adequate skillset to facilitate that promotes collaboration
a vocational trainer qualification training in their specific companies and provides guidance on the
course. This specialized course and institutions and have a better implementation of TVET reforms in
targets in-company trainers who understanding of the dual program. Kenya.
are responsible for planning
training content and for conducting The go-to TVET Experts If you would like to learn more
in-company vocational training Due to its rich multicultural about the Dual System of Vocational
programs as well to upskill vocational knowledge, experiences and Education and Training (VET) please
school teachers in pedagogy and expertise, the AHK offers TVET visit the AHK website https://www.
didactics. As TVET shifts towards Consulting services while working or contact the team
competency-based training, the closely with local industry via email at
vocational trainer qualification stakeholders. The AHK advises
will assist to build the capacity of on Dual Vocational Training
trainers in the across various TVET standards, policy and practice in
and work place institutions. It is the region. Through its umbrella
noted that most trainers in the organization DIHK (Association of
workplace already have professional German Chambers of Commerce
and occupational experience, but and Industry) and the 79 regional
lack the pedagogical competencies, chambers (IHKs) in Germany, the
essential in implementing Dual Delegation of German Industry
EdSource Quarterly | Oct-Dec l 2021