Page 10 - EdSource Issue No02
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Cover Story
      10 10     Education Technology

     Why advocate for intelligent learning games as a game changer in
       education in Africa                                                          In a few years, we hope that
                                                                                 every mall will have ATMs or vending
     •Focus on 21st century skills, content, knowledge and expertise             machines for schools where learners
     • Build understanding across and among academic subjects as well as 21st  can visit and download education
       century interdisciplinary themes                                          with minimum teacher intervention.
     • Emphasize deep understanding rather than shallow knowledge                The  materials  must  remain  an
     • Empowers students to own their learning                                   adventure  for  them  to  gain  the
     • Engage students with the real-world data, tools, and experts they will  interest of learners at all levels.
       encounter in college, on the job, and in life-students learn best when
       actively engaged in solving meaningful problems                              We are looking forward to a
     • Allow for multiple measures of mastery                                    generation that is self-driven, risk-
     • Support a balance of assessments, including high-quality standardized  taking, has persistence, social skills,
       testing along with effective classroom formative and summative  and a powerful sense of flow. All this
       assessments                                                               is possible with an education that
     • Emphasize useful feedback on student performance that is embedded  helps “discover, learn and excel” and
       into everyday learning                                                    keeping in mind that learning must
     • Require a balance of technology-enhanced, formative, and summative  always be fun and adventurous.
       assessments that measure student mastery of 21st century skills
     • Enable development of portfolios for student work that demonstrate           Finally, in the words of the great
       mastery of 21st century skills to educators and prospective employers     educationalist, Ignatia Estrada, “If a
     • Enable a balanced portfolio of measures to assess the educational  child can’t learn the way we teach,
       system’s effectiveness at reaching high levels of student competency  maybe we should teach them the
       in 21st century skills                                                    way they learn.”
     • It is affordable in the long run and cost effective
                                                                                 Mariesandra Sagina is the CEO,
        It is important to note that just like the phone has revolutionized banking,  Educational Games Publishers
     through M-Pesa in Kenya, intelligent learning games will revolutionize  Association of Kenya
     learning in Kenya and Africa if we all work as a team.

     EdSource Quarterly | Oct-Dec l 2021
              Madison Group         madisongroup_ke   Madison Group Kenya   madisongroup_ke   Madison Group Kenya
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