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Education Technology 9
to embark on a journey through the play World • Personalized learning system unlocks new
– a personalized 3D environment that knows lands and challenges according to each
and grows with your child. Along the way, student’s progress
students master dozens of skills based on world • In-game rewards keep students motivated to
class educational standards. continue completing lessons and practicing
Designed by educators and built with cutting • Ever changing world transforms with the
edge interactive play technology, such games seasons and holidays using a real-time
are powerful supplemental learning solutions calendar
that every classroom needs. • Compelling 3D play immerses kids in a world
of adventure, play and learning
Key Features of such solutions include: - • Exportable progress reports keep teachers
• Learning curriculum designed by educators up to date with student progress, skill by
and aligned with state standards skill
• Classroom management system allows each Why advocate for intelligent learning games as a
teacher to organize their classroom and easily game changer in education in Africa
view progress by student or class. • Focus on 21st century skills, content knowledge and
Why intelligent learning game-based solutions are critical for the Competency-Based Curriculum -CBC
1. Quality education for all 2. Closing the achievement gap
learners aligned to educational The learning system uses state-of-the-art technology to assist in
standards closing the achievement gap between high- and low-performing
Most of the solutions ensure that children.
high-quality academic assessments,
accountability systems, teacher Individualization…Each student is unique and the personalized
preparation and training, curriculum, learning system tracks and opens new lands and challenges according
and instructional materials aligned to each student’s progress. The targeted learning focuses on what
with challenging international skills the student needs to perfect and not focus on areas already
academic standards. The above mastered.
ensures that students, teachers,
parents, and administrators can Motivation… Motivation encourages all students to engage in
measure progress against common learning. This program was designed with motivation as a core
expectation for student academic element of education. The immersive 3-D play makes students feel
achievement. like they are inside a world of adventure that incorporates learning.
Additionally, students are motivated to keep learning by earning gems
and badges. There are many motivational incentives in addition to
the adventures, including:
3.Improving and strengthening • an ever-changing world that transforms with the seasons using a
Accountability and Teaching real-time calendar, and
Such solutions follow basic • the ability for students to make the world whatever they imagine
educational pedagogy and should with photos, artwork, dress up and more.
complement state assessment
systems. In addition, the program 4. Promoting Schoolwide reforms using scientifically based
reinforces accountability and instruction
teaching at the local level. The Promoting school wide reform and ensuring children have access to
Classroom Management System effective, scientifically based instructional strategies and challenging
helps teachers to organize their academic content. All the solutions begin with research and fact
classroom by viewing the progress finding from the experts in the field based on the latest scientific
of individual students or the entire research regarding how children learn and how technology can be
class on real-time basis. used to enhance and support that experience. Through research,
professional writers, and beta testing, partners create products that
provide supplemental support for early literacy and help ensure that
teachers and students receive positive and rewarding results.
5. Parental involvement
Affording parents substantial and meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children.
Activities encourage parent-child interaction. The lively adventures encourage children to talk about their play
and reinforce their learning. Such solutions are developed with input from world class teachers, education
experts, and business leaders to define and illustrate the skills and knowledge students need to succeed in
work, life, and citizenship, as well as the support systems necessary for 21st century learning outcomes.
EdSource Quarterly | Oct-Dec l 2021