Page 12 - EdSource Issue No02
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     WORK READINESS                                                              However, since 2014, the Kenyan
                                                                                 government has sought to address
                                                                                 these challenges by various
                                                                                 interventions. One such intervention
     THROUGH                                                                     is reforms in the TVET sub sector,
                                                                                 targeted  at  addressing  the  skills
                                                                                 mismatch and gaps thereof.
                                                                                 Working with development agencies
     APPRENTICESHIP:                                                             and other key stakeholder in the
                                                                                 TVET subsector, the government
                                                                                 purposefully set out to improve on
                                                                                 the delivery of TVET training in the

                                                                                 a skills development program
     A CASE FOR ADOPTION OF DUAL SYSTEM                                          country. The “Skills Expert Project”,
                                                                                 initiated and supported by the
                                                                                 Federal Government of Germany,
                                                                                 is  one  is  one  of  the  pioneering
                                                                                 programs mooted to champion the
     Kenya is one of the best performing  in the hospitality, information,  transformation of TVET training in
     economies in Sub-Saharan Africa  communication, transportation and  Kenya.
     with its GDP growing steadily  sectors cannot also go without a
     at 5% per annum since 2013. The  mention. Yet, despite this impressive  Launched in late 2017, by the German
     biggest contributors to this growth  performance, skills shortages, high  Federal Ministry of Economy and
     have been agriculture, transport,  unemployment rates and mismatch  Energy,  and  the  Delegation  of
     storage, manufacturing, wholesale  of skills continue to plague the  German Industry and Commerce
     and retail sectors. The impressive  vitality of the economy.                for Eastern Africa (AHK), the Skills
     growth rates, pre-COVID, witnessed                                          Expert Project is a vocational training

                                               KNQA Certificate Handover.
     Left - Bruno Backes, Head of Vocational Training, Delegation of German Industry & Commerce in Kenya (AHK).
     Centre - Dr Juma Mukhwana, Director General, Kenya National Qualification Authority (KNQA). Right - Maren Diale,
     Country Director, Delegation of German Industry & Commerce in Kenya (AHK). Back right -  Frank Mukuna, former
     Deputy Director of RAD KNQA

     EdSource Quarterly | Oct-Dec l 2021
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