Page 17 - EdSource Issue No02
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Focus on  Curriculum     17

     developed     by   the    individual commissions and several taskforces  increasingly  widening  even  with
     throughout his/her entire life. Key  to reform the education system to  CBC in place. CBC emphasizes on
     competences  are  responsible for  meet the country’s social, political  seven core competencies, which
     individual  success  throughout  the  and economic needs. Most recently,  are:
     entire life, and to the good global  in 2017, the government embarked
     functioning  of  the  society  derived  on  the   most    comprehensive      •  Communication &collaboration
     from the  action  of  particular  education reform since 1981, which         •  Critical thinking & problem
     citizens. Professional competences  has  seen the introduction  of  the        solving
     (Proficiencies):  linked  to  Higher  Competency  Based Curriculum           •  Citizenship
     Education,  they  are associated  (CBC). The aim  of  the  CBC is  to        • Digital literacy
     with effectively performing certain  guarantee  basic  education  for        • Creativity & imagination
     professional  tasks.  They involve  every  learner  according to their       • Learning to learn
     the  capacity to  solve complex  abilities  and  needs.  Education           • Self-efficacy
     professional     questions,      by reforms      emphasize     that    all
     mobilizing scientific knowledge and  children,  especially  those from      The  emphasis  on  values  and
     technical  abilities,  and respecting  marginalized  groups  and those      community service learning
     ethical  considerations  typical  of  with disabilities, should have access   cannot be underscored in CBC.
     that particular profession.           to quality education. Despite these   Similarly parental engagement and
                                           reforms, challenges  related to       empowerment is a key component
     Education Reforms in Kenya:           access,  equity,  quality,  relevance   of CBC. Previously much of the
                                                                                 student management has been
     Central to  the education  reforms,   and efficiency in the management      weighing heavily on the teacher
     Kenya  has  been establishing  an     of education resources are  yet       with a parent offering the most
     education  system  that  addresses    to  be  adequately  addressed.        minimal support to the learning
     relevance, equity,  inclusion  and    Furthermore,       implementation     process. Tripartite approach to
     elimination  of  wastages  among      of  the CBC has  been  marred  by     learning in which  the  learner,
     graduates.  One  of  the  challenges   uncertainties,  as  it  is  increasingly   teacher  and  parent  are  fully
     of education in Kenya is inequality,   becoming evident that the reforms    engaged with the learner being
     which  means  that  those  from       may  not  necessarily  close  the     the centric point is a strong basis
     low  socio-economic  backgrounds      equity  gaps. Unfortunately if  not   for learner’s success.
     have  difficulty  accessing  quality   intentionally  checked, the gap
     education.  Since  independence       in  inequalities in  education  is
     (1963),  Kenya has  constituted  six

     Pillars, Mission and Vision of CBC:
     CBC  draws its strength on the pillars
     that   include  values,   theoretical
     approaches, core principles and the
     National goals of education so as to
     nurture every Learner’s Potential and
     release a lifelong learner (Engaged,
     Empowered and Ethical Citizen).

     CBC framework emphasizes  on  the
     National goals of education which are:
     1.  Foster nationalism, patriotism and
         promote national unity
     2.  Promote     social,   economic,
         technological and industrial needs
         for national development
     3.  Promote individual development
         and self-fulfillment
     4.  Promote sound moral and religious
     5.  Promote   social  equality  and
         responsibility                    8.  Promote positive attitude towards good health and environmental protection
     6.  Promote    respect    for   and
         development  of  Kenya’s  rich and  What are the major shifts from the previous curriculum?
         varied cultures                   In the envisaged knowledge economy, it is important to embrace what learners
     7.  Promote             international are able to do with the knowledge they acquire in the classroom. Linking academia
         consciousness  and foster  positive  to industry and real world experience is key for the learners to fit into the fast
         attitude towards other nations    changing world. CBC envisages the following shifts:

                                                                 EdSource Quarterly | Oct-Dec l 2021
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