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     program that combines learning at  Overall, the central goal of the  Trademark Hotel and the German
     a TVET educational institution with  dual system  is to help students  School, and in collaboration with
     learning at the work place. Referred  attain and develop technical  Kibodeni  College  of  Hospitality,
     also as the Dual VET program, this  competencies, while nurturing their  rolled out the 1st Chef Apprentice
     system has been the corner stone of  vocational aptitudes in school, so  Program. Through this program the
     the German education system and is  that they can meet their current  first cohort of Chef Apprentices on
     the reason for its strong industrial  and future professional challenges.  the dual VET diploma program were
     base.                                 In this regard, the dual system has  trained for 3 years and completed
                                           outstanding potential to transform  their studies in August 2021, they sat
     As a viable option to the competency  the private sector, reduce the  their final examination in September.
     based education and training  unemployment within Kenya and  Upon successful graduation they will
     system, (CBET), the Dual VET seeks  in the long run boost and maintain  be awarded a double certification
     to address the drawback of focusing  overall economic growth.               that includes German Level B and a
     exclusively on a class/school based                                         Kenyan Diploma by the AHK.
     training which has been the main  Dual System in Action
     learning method in Kenya. By  For some time now, the AHK has  (ii) 2nd Chef Apprentice Program
     adopting the dual program for TVET,  been working in close collaboration  The AHK together with, Movenpick
     it was envisaged that the country  with private sector organizations in  Hotel, LSG Skychefs and The Nairobi
     would  succeed  in  improving  the  the hospitality industry to roll out  Street Kitchen and in collaboration
     quality of its graduates. Such that  and establish the dual curriculum.  with the TVET arm of the Kenya
     graduates will not only be better  Since its inception there have been  Methodist University are scheduled
     prepared for the work place but  some great successes and notable  to begin the 2nd Chef Apprentice
     would also possess the skills that  wins.                                   Program, the intake  is ongoing
     are actually needed.                                                        (October 2021). A similar program
                                           (i) 1st Chef Apprentice Program       shall  be  rolled out in  Mombasa
     A look into Dual VET, as an alternative  The  AHK,  together  with  the  later in the year. This will involve
     path to learning                      Intercontinental Hotel Group, Tribe/
     The Dual vocational education and
     training  system  stands  out  due
     to  the  two  coordinated  learning                ADA INTERNATIONAL VOCATIONAL TRAINER
     approaches. Learning at the                                     QUALIFICATION
     employer (company) and learning                      Become an Internationally Certified Vocational Training Expert
     at vocational school. The way it is
     designed is that the bulk of learning       TrainingofTrainerCourses
     takes place at the company; with                  FullVersion
     60-70% of the time being spent at the   Target  HR,Training,LearningandDevelopment
     company versus 40-30% being spent       Market  Managers/OfficersandIndustrialTrainers
     at school. To this end, the elements
     of theory are learnt at school, while   Content  PsychologyandTaxonomyof
     application and practical aspects are         PedagogicalandDidactic
     learnt at the work place.
                                             Duration 10 Days Training
     Since the start of the Skills Expert              BasicVersion
     Project  in  2017,  tremendous          Target  IndustrialTrainingOfficers,Technical
     progress has been  attained.            Market  Staff,facilitatorsandanyonedealing
     The  AHK  as  the  implementers  in           Psychology ofLearning
     collaboration with TVET institutions    Content
     and the government have worked                Methodology                                       ONGOING
     towards adapting the German             Duration  5 Days Training                             REGISTRATION
     Dual  system  curriculum.  This
     curriculum was reviewed by Kenya       Benefitsofthecourses:              IndividualPackage
     National Qualifications Authority       •   PedagogicalCapacitytoimplement  BasicVersion:35,000KES  SpecialDiscountedRate
     (KNQA) and by the TVET Authority.           CompetencyBasedTraining       FullVersion:70,000KES  forOrganizations
     Subsequently, KNQA accredited           •   ConceptsofDualVocationalTraining
     AHK in early 2020, as a Foreign         •   GermanQualityStandard         PricesincludeExaminationFeeandGermanCertificate
                                                                               Call: +254206633000
     Qualification Awarding Institution          (Ausbildereignungsverordnung,AEVO)
     in Kenya for TVET Trainings. This      Based on the German Dual Vocational System
     means that certificates awarded by
     AHK Eastern Africa to trainees are
     now officially recognized in Kenya,
     and within the German system.

                                                                 EdSource Quarterly | Oct-Dec l 2021
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