Page 23 - EdSource Issue No02
P. 23
Focus on Curriculum 23
much. Indeed, other than creating espouses experimentation and in discussing CBC, play the long
a favorable business environment departure from the tried and tested game. Let us attempt to look at
and encouraging an entrepreneurial and allows students to explore CBC in the fullness of time. Indeed,
culture, government will struggle to new was of creating things. Such I know it is not perfect and perhaps
create jobs. Actually it is foolhardy to a curriculum will create innovators the debate should focus more on
believe that government can create and entrepreneurs. how to improve it. For instance
jobs. Government can only create how can we retrain teachers who
jobs where it controls the factors of We live in the age trends; fashion, were trained to deliver 8-4-4 to
production – case in point China. But technology, art, music are in deliver CBC better, or how can
I am not sure this is what we would constant change - a particular thing assignments be planned so that
want from our government. is in vogue today, tomorrow there is children with their parents in tow are
something better. As it is, this state not inundated with homework, or
And here is where we can see of affairs is daunting to us as grown- how can schools creatively manage
the importance of education. A ups and we are struggling to keep the cost of additional resources,
curriculum that steers young people up. What then of our children, who through improvisation, so that it is
to explore, experiment and create we expect to be not only consumers less expensive to the parent. This I
things, versus, one that trains them but to be creators as well of some think would be a more productive
to retain information, to venerate of the innovations that are touted and worthwhile discussion. Let’s
precedent and to seek for jobs, for the future. not throw the baby out with the
will produce different outputs. birth water, doing that would be
In a country with an abundance So it is break time for CBC. Hopefully, disingenuous. So I say let’s give CBC
of jobs the latter system may be it shall not be a situation of make or a chance. We owe it to our children.
the best suited for the occasion. break. And as this matter continues Let them have a chance to live their
However, where there is a dearth to be arbitrated in the law courts, lives according to their terms, they
of jobs, a different kind of training let us continue to discuss in the may not necessarily be successful
is required. Preferably, one that court of public opinion. But let us but at least, they will live productive lives.
Digital Pocket Money
Blink is a digital pocket money platform that provides a simple and secure
way to handle school related monetary activities through:
Parents will use the app to control To be used by students as their Provides a view of the insights via
& monitor the child's spending and top digital wallet as well as a student’s ID data analytics and also allows the
up their funds.
school to handle student and parent
EdSource Quarterly | Oct-Dec l 2021 +254 -799-873-208