Page 25 - EdSource Issue No02
P. 25
Feature Story 25
Our vision
is to see the
country having
a competitive
market driven TVET
system delivering
competent workforce for
sustainable development.
We value integrity,
accountability, public
participation, teamwork
and efficiency.
c) Bolster emotional and disruptive technologies, trends and School leaders need to be aware
organizational resilience. developments we are seeing today of the full impact of such policy
have largely worked in favour of trends. For instance the full
The ability of leaders to prepare their African economies. We should implementation of AfCFTA would
institutions to ride out emergent explore and harness them to help help private education institutions
disruptions will enable them impact us leap-frog in to the future. For expand beyond country borders.
the destiny of their institutions instance here in Kenya technology With this, they would be able to
positively, even as they provide like mobile money and mobile increase their resiliency in the face
opportunities for new entrants. In banking is changing how people of future economic shocks. As well
fact disruptions allow new leaders access finance and banking services. as ushering in the need for deeper
to rise from what seems to be These trends are gaining strength reforms that are necessary to
impossible situations. and momentum especially when enhance long-term growth as focus
you look at the post-pandemic moves to producing a future-proof
The rollout of the Competency projections. Most of us fail to realize education system.
Based Curriculum (CBC) and the that the speed and scale of changes
Competency Based Education taking place, as well as the effects Mutheu Kasanga
and Training (CBET) ushers in an that will result out of this change.
era of near-constant change and Will impact us for a long time,
discontinuity in our education unfortunately we are failing to make REFERENCES
system. Technology, globalization reliable projections as Mckinse & 1. (
and emergent factors such as Company have posited. leadership-skills-to-manage-an-uncertain-
climate change, renewable energy future)
will define and intensify the natural And as the country goes through 2. Segel, L. H. (2020) Positive Leadership
forces of market competition, as rapid urbanization and technological In Uncertain Times, MckInsey & Company,
well as impacting the shape of the disruption, especially at the county New York:
workspace. For us in Education, level, and when this is paired to 3. Street, H. and Temperley, J. (2006)
it is important that we craft and impact the Africa Continental Free Improving Schools Through Collaborative
modify our training curricula to Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA) Enquiry, London: Continuum.
accommodate such eventualities, by will have as a result of forming the 4. https://www.worldbank.
prioritizing increased post-training world’s largest free trade area. org/en/topic/trade/publication/
employability courses. Imagine the scope and potential the-african-continental-free-trade-area
of opportunities for education and 5. R. Dobbs, J. Manyika, J. Woetzel (2015)
In this regard, the familiar world training in a post-pandemic scenario, No Ordinary Disruption:The Four Global
is no more, Kenya and Africa at when all the above mentioned Forces Breaking All the Trends. New York:
large must adapt or be left behind. changes are fully implemented. The Hachette Book Group
The good news is that most of the opportunities are endless.
EdSource Quarterly | Oct-Dec l 2021