Page 28 - EdSource Issue No02
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28 One on one
Oxford university product, which is Universities should also take
from boarding and catering charges, providing additional revenue to the advantage of public private
endowments and university support university. We need our universities partnerships (PPP). As Universities
enterprises and investments. This to scale up and partner with industry Fund we are already positioning
money is also spent at source. for such innovations. There is a lot of ourselves to facilitate that synergy
research that is done in Kenya, but between the public, private sector
7. HOW WOULD YOU ADDRESS there’s no route to market insight. and universities.
THE ISSUE ON FUNDING GAPS IN Of course the challenge here is the
UNIVERSITIES IN KENYA? lack of structured engagement Lastly I would like to talk about
between industry and universities. collaboration with County
Previously, public universities Oftentimes, universities undertake governments. Universities in the
used to rely heavily on module research without consulting counties actually support most
II programs for their income, industry. It is important to create county economies. Universities even
especially for recurrent expenditure. more synergy, where universities sustain some towns economically,
But when the enrolment numbers collaborate with companies so much so that it was evident when
plummeted reducing the numbers to understand the challenges the COVID-19 pandemic struck.
to bare minimum, universities were businesses are facing thereafter After the closure of all education
unable to sustain their operations they can embark on research and institutions, some towns came
as before. There are several ways present solutions. Collaboration almost to a complete stand still. It
to remedy his situation and address between Universities Fund, Kenya would be prudent to have counties
recruitment gaps. Some of these National Innovation Agency (KENIA) also support universities. My
solutions include reducing costs, and Kenya Private Sector Alliance proposal is that county governments
effective use of facilities and staff, (KEPSA), can support innovation need to support universities for
and of course increasing efficiency. and research in this country because example easing some requirements
this kind of effort is what is needed for infrastructure development
8. AS A FOLLOW UP, WHAT to get universities understanding by lowering levies. This will allow
FUNDING STRATEGIES WOULD what industry needs in terms of universities afford to acquire more
YOU SUGGEST FOR UNIVERSITIES research and development for new and even enable them build houses
TO ENSURE SUSTAINABILITY? products or to scale up. for staff and students.
Number one is to reduce cost.
Take the case right now in public Internally universities should 9. WHAT OTHER WAYS WILL THE
universities, non-academic staff consider building their capacity, UNIVERSITIES FUND SUPPORT
make up 71% of the staff, ideally especially on financial management UNIVERSITIES?
this ratio should be the other way so that we have managers who
round, 70% academic staff vs 30% are business oriented and able to UF will not only provide institutional
non-academic this will enable keep these institutions afloat. I also support but will also provide
the universities deliver their core propose that we have a contingency special targeted grants for capacity
mandate of teaching and research. fund for universities. This fund can building, innovation and research.
The other thing is to have specialized assist universities during difficult The DUC model is undergoing
universities, basically centers of times. Consultancies are also a viable enhancement to address some of
excellence. As we speak, most idea, same way we have buy Kenya the financing challenges. As the
universities are competing for the build Kenya, we need to ring fence country works towards improving
same students because they are consultancies across government social economic status, UF will lobby
offering similar courses. Previously institutions for example Human for the allocation of a percentage
there was a clear niche among resources consultancies. of the budget to promote national
universities. Say for example, priority areas for universities that
if someone wanted to study Tapping into alumni associations align with these priorities. Another
telecommunications or science, they can also help universities improve area we are keenly looking at is
went to Jomo Kenyatta University of their financial status. Look at the 100% transition directive by the
Agriculture & Technology (JKUAT). (Massachusetts Institute of government, which means that all
For agriculture one would most Technology (MIT) in America for children have a right to education;
likely enroll at Egerton University, instance, the amount of funds these include those with special
while those interested in a degree raised by alumni over the years has needs. UF therefore proposes
in Communications went to Daystar supported it and assisted it grow. that the Government set aside
University. This is what we need to Most of our universities are now 5% of the development budget to
nurture so we can create globally about 50 years old; this is now support special needs. Masters and
competitive universities. a good time for universities to Doctorate scholarships are also an
reach out to their alumni, so as to area of interest because of the role
Other funding strategies include create a community to support the they play in developing teacher and
commercializing research. Look at universities and students. research capacity in universities.
the example of Astra Zeneca; it is an For this one the UF is considering
EdSource Quarterly | Oct-Dec l 2021