Page 46 - EdSource Issue No02
P. 46

46 Inclusive Education

                                                                                   accountable for implementing
                                                                                   antidiscrimination legislation,
                                                                                   legal mandates for inclusion, and
                                                                                   policies to remove barriers.

                                                                                 In conclusion, the move to entrench
                                                                                 inclusive  education  policies
                                                                                 worldwide based on the 1948
                                                                                 Universal Declaration of Human
                                                                                 Rights will  be a game changer.
                                                                                 For it will give the government
                                                                                 and the other stakeholders the
                                                                                 impetus to push for the adoption
                                                                                 of inclusive learning as part of the
                                                                                 core curriculum. Currently inclusive
                                                                                 education is still fighting for its space
                                                                                 at the table. As advanced discussions
                                                                                 are taking place on how inclusive
                                                                                 education can be accommodated
                                                                                 not just as a ‘special needs’ class, but
                                                                                 as part of the education framework,
                                                                                 proponents of inclusive education
     with disabilities themselves,  behind. As such to make inclusive  must continue engaging education
     because they face a multitude  education a reality we need to do  stakeholders at all levels. So that
     of barriers in terms of attending,  the following:                          even now children with disabilities
     participating in and ultimately  • We need to ensure that educators  and special needs are not left
     benefitting from school. In addition    have the training, flexibility, and  behind.
     there is always the issue of learning   resources to teach students with
     gaps – particularly because most        diverse needs and learning styles.
     children with disabilities either       This includes strengthening the  Reference:
     start school late  or have  never       teachers knowledge, skills, and
     attended school. Issues of bullying,    attitudes so that they can embrace  Grubb,W.N & Lazerson,M.The
     ostracization and negative attitudes    the inclusive ethos, because they
     of regular teachers make it even        are at the heart of ensuring that  education  gospel.  The  economic
     more challenging. Nonetheless           inclusive initiatives and practices
     effort should be made to overcome       in schools succeed                  power of schooling. (Cambridge:
     these challenges through constant  • In addition it is important that the
     communication and engagement,           government and school owners  Havard University press,2004).
     in addition to implementing the         provide adequate and sustainable
     following recommendations.              financial support so that there  UNESCO The UNESCO Salamanca
                                             is the necessary infrastructure,
     Transforming Education and              services and activities that will  Statement and Framework for
     Training through Inclusion              fully support inclusive education
     How can we advance inclusive  • Parents need to assert their  Action on Special Needs Education.
     education?                              children’s right to education in
     The push to improve the delivery        inclusive settings, schools and the  (Paris: UNESCO, 1994). (1)
     of education, which has become          government should support this.
     a worldwide phenomenon, forms           However for this to be effective
     the  basis  for  the  demand  to        the whole community within the  By Eva Naputuni
     accommodate inclusive education.        school setup should participate.  MSc. Special Education
     This has been brought on about          This includes — the regular and  Acorn Special Tutorials
     by the necessity to focus on what       special educators, social workers
     the students with disabilities need     at school, other parents, and the
     to help them learn and grow. This       able students—together the
     is  echoed  by  the  Competency         community should participate
     Based Curriculum (CBC) learning         in the designing, delivering and
     framework, which focuses on the         reframing inclusive education as
     student as the center of learning.      a shared responsibility
     In the same vein there is the need  • Finally we must continue to
     to accommodate children with            hold the central government
     disabilities so that they are not left   and  county governments

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