Page 48 - EdSource Issue No02
P. 48
48 Inclusive Education
the labour market is incumbent
on collaboration between TVET
institutions and industry. Effective
early engagement between Industry
and TVET institutions is encouraged
to create a structured system of
internship, apprenticeships and
employment therefore improving
students’ labour market prospects.
Finally, being cognizant of all the
efforts being employed to address
inclusion provides the impetus to
keep pushing for interventions
that will make the implementation
of inclusivity a possibility. Many
initiatives sometimes suffer from
challenges of sustainability because
of lack of a monitoring and evaluation
(M & E) system that has clear
deliverables to measure success
and challenges in implementation of
many interventions. Deploying M&
E should also be considered as part
disabilities in Kenya are largely access, retention and transition of accountability and sustainability
employed in the informal sector of children with disabilities and of inclusive education.
as the formal sector does not have special needs. These policies are also
enough jobs for them or may not expected to influence consideration In conclusion, embracing inclusivity
be willing to accommodate their for appropriate infrastructure will provide opportunities that
disabilities because they do not designs during construction and promote positive outcomes,
understand them. Access to formal even renovations in education embrace diversity and encourage
employment normally will depend institutions that will accommodate young people to aspire for
on different situations such as the PWD’s making them feel included. education and employment when
type of disability or level of education Legislation on career guidance barriers to learning are removed.
and interestingly sometimes roles in TVET institutions should be Partnerships are important in
are prescribed again according to implemented especially in career conjuring commitment from
the stereotype assigned to the type counseling of PWD’s to help them stakeholders who will champion
of disability. make informed career choices as inclusive tertiary education in the
they pursue their tertiary education. communities, in training institutions
What is needed to alleviate these The Career offices set up in these and the workplace. A well-defined
challenges? institutions should provide these inclusive program can result in
Raising awareness on disability services to the students when they improved education and labour
inclusion while addressing negative enroll in college especially if they did market outcomes and the well-being
attitudes, stereotypes and stigma not get the chance to access career of these vulnerable young people
will drive change, create equal and guidance in high school. who will have a purpose and who
fair opportunities for everyone. will contribute to nation building.
The systemic barriers that emanate Together with the above
from social cultural and institutional interventions, ensuring accessibility Priscilla Kerebi, Publisher Edsource
discrimination can be tackled and affordability will improve the
from increased awareness and chances of staying in class and
appreciation of different abilities of eventually graduating from college.
an inclusive society. This goes hand in hand with PWD’s
having access to scholarships which
Impressing upon policy makers gives them a chance to enroll in
and educationists to fast track college and complete their tertiary
policies on inclusion will allow for education. Capacity building
appreciation of the challenges faced and support of trainers in TVET
by PWD’s ensuring a favourable institutions is likely to enhance their
training environment for them. The role as knowledge providers to the
push for development, legislation students giving them confidence in
and implementation of policies on the delivery of inclusive education.
inclusive education will enhance Preparing PWD’s for transition into
EdSource Quarterly | Oct-Dec l 2021