Page 49 - EdSource Issue No02
P. 49
Inclusive Education 49
On 4th September 2021 AMICUS
School, led by its Director Christabel
Marangu, hosted an inclusive
education and CBC seminar where
special needs, disability and among
other topics were discussed. The
events key speaker Mr. Charles
Omboto, from Kenya Institute of
Special Education (KISE), kicked
off the seminar with a presentation
about inclusive education in the
Competency Based Curriculum
He highlighted CBC’s benefits
and demonstrated ways it can
help children hone their academic
potential as well as their non-
academic gifts, like arts and sports.
He spoke at length about CBC’s
practicability and how it was better
suited to support special needs
Nicola Barry from the Comprehensive
College, in Dublin Ireland, was the
second guest to speak and she spoke
about integration and inclusivity.
She spoke about the attempt Irish
schools were making to integrate
and include children with disability
in the general classes, and advised
that Kenya should attempt to do the
same. Nicola, provided insights on
how schools in Kenya can go about
creating a favorable environment
for inclusive learning.
In her presentation Nicola explained
that schools may need to acquire
specific furniture, technology and Christabel Marangu, Amicus School introducing Nicola Barry during the
infrastructure to make it easier for seminar
special needs children to adjust
EdSource Quarterly | Oct-Dec l 2021