Page 50 - EdSource Issue No02
P. 50
50 Inclusive Education
Teachers & School directors in attendance.
Eva Naputuni presenting at the The Inclusive Seminar participants
to normal classroom settings. dyslexia at home and at school. participants that food with gluten,
However, she said that adjusting She pointed out that children lactose and sugar derivatives were
to normal classroom setting and with dyslexia are not intellectually extremely harmful to children. Her
using technology, may still prove disadvantaged but rather have parting short was that parents need
to be a challenge for teachers, as difficulties in processing numbers not only to serve healthier foods at
often these children decline to use and letters. home but they should also pack
the resources altogether. But the healthy snacks for school.
cost and price of purchasing these The last speaker of the day, Dr. Eva
special needs resources remains the Nyoike, of Acorn Tutorials Kenya, The event was a resounding
biggest challenge. spoke to the participants about diet success as it not only created more
and the direct link between ‘the gut awareness about disabilities in
After the health break Phyllis Munyi and the brain’. She explained how schools, both mental and physical,
and Nancy Munyi, co – founders the food we consume can have an but also provided teachers and
of Dyslexia Organization Kenya impact on our emotions, particularly school administrators a chance to
took the participants through a for children with special needs. She learn and discover new ways to
presentation on dyslexia. Nancy pointed out some parents are often improve learning for children with
explained how someone can identify puzzled when their children get disabilities. After evening tea and
dyslexia in children using a number irritated or sad, even when they are vote of thanks from the Direct of
of factors such as their medical not provoked. Amicus school the event came to a
history development challenges and close.
education. She also demonstrated Dr. Eva reitareted that the likely
and explained how parents and cause of this irritation could be the Jerry Sioni is an A Level graduate
teachers can manage children with type of food consumed. Dr. Eva told
EdSource Quarterly | Oct-Dec l 2021